Spread The Word Bible College

The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (MAPS) embraces four areas of development - intellectual, ministerial, human, and spiritual. In addition to a ministerial heart, effective pastoral ministers embody personal and spiritual maturity, knowledge of theology and other disciplines, and pastoral skill. This degree provides a uniquely systematic and in-depth education in pastoral ministry's knowledge base and methodologies; it provides ministers a broad and deep foundation in religious thought, and lays the groundwork for an effective and well-informed pastoral practice.

Students who enroll in the MAPS degree can study under the general MAPS program or focus their studies in one of three areas of "specialization."

Who is our Pastoral Studies major designed for?

  • Anyone with a shepherd’s heart desiring to serve a church, ministry, or small group,
  • Anyone desiring to serve the church as an elder or deacon.

What Will A Pastoral Studies Graduate Be Equipped To Do?

  • Will know how to prepare and preach a sermon,
  • Will know how to teach the Bible,
  • Will have basic skills in pastoral and church administration,
  • Will know basic Biblical counseling,
  • Will know the attributes, attitudes, and actions of a maturing Christian,
  • Will know how to marry, bury, and baptize.

Master of Pastoral Studies - 2 Year Degree

Old Testament (OT 501 REQUIRED) ......................................................... 2 courses
New Testament .....................................................................................  2 courses
Theology (TH 511 REQUIRED) ................................................................  2 courses
Pastoral Ministries .................................................................................  2 courses
Electives ..............................................................................................  2 courses


Masters Thesis
Minimum of 75 typewritten pages; a popular writing style is permitted for the thesis.

Thesis Information and Requirements