Spread The Word Bible College

Spread The Word has been distributing Books, Tracts, Literature and Bibles (new and used) This has provided a way for anyone that is interested to be able to get involved to the extent they are able.


Our Plan

The plan of Spread The Word is to take the gospel to the poor believers in Africa by way of distributing Christian materials. We also supply materials to God’s men who are planting churches, pastoring or passing out materials, so that they will have the tools needed to reach the lost wherever they are laboring. All materials are free of charge, as the Lord provides.


Our Partners
Since Spread The Word operates as a nonprofit faith Bible College, it is dependent on the Lord as He supplies. Spread The Word is grateful for those who share our burden and help meet the need of materials to keep the distribution running. Perhaps you would pray and ask the Lord how He might use you to ship us Bibles, Books, Literature and tracts or financially support this Bible College that is taking the Gospel on distribution to those who might otherwise never be exposed to it. The rewards are eternal.

Our Prayer
Our prayer is that we could do more to reach the areas of the Africa that are without the gospel. To date, we have reached many places. We will expand our areas of outreach. Millions of people still have  never heard or read in their own language about the saving power of the Lord Jesus

We need materials for free distribution. Please email information you may have that might be helpful to this Bible College, and possible donors interested in getting Scripture to hungry hearts. E-mail:


Spreading The Word in Africa
Evangelist Bobby Bolin

“I was born 2 half months early with cerebral palsy”- Bobby

The Bobby Bolin Bible Campaign was launched in spring 2005 with the goal of collecting Bibles for Africa through Dr. Evbota  Godstime – Spread The Word Bible College. Through the generosity of this Bible Campaign, an estimated 12,000 Bibles (KJV) have been made available for Africa. And the Bible Campaign was through announcements made in America.

Please prayerfully consider what you can give toward this worthy cause to ultimately get a Bible in the hand of the poor in Africa who greatly need the Bible and cannot afford due to financial difficulties.

I told them in Nigeria, somehow God would get them Bibles,” Bobby said. “I didn’t know how, But I’ve learned in life to trust God and live with faith.

It may take Bobby Bolin two hours to get dressed each day, but it only took him about two months to gather up nearly 10,000 Bibles to send to Africa.

Bolin, 29, is an evangelist. Despite his walking with crutches and sometime preaching from a wheelchair, he and ministry partner Terry Peterson have traveled to Pennsylvania, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Alabama, Indiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
In November, they travel much further to Nigeria to work with Dr. Godstime Evbota

If doctors had been right 29 years ago, Bolin wouldn’t be alive today. He never would have walked or talked. “I was born 2 half months early with cerebral palsy” Bolin said. Doctor told my parent that I would die and that if I lived I wouldn’t live past age 15 and would be a vegetable. “The prognosis was that there was no quality of life whatsoever,” He said through surgeries, physical therapy and faith, he has survival. His Christian grandmother got him involved in Church, and at age 12 he was saved. In November 1993, Bolin said he felt the call to preach and began preaching about two years later; beginning with rest homes and prison ministries.

 After several years in those capacities, I felt the Lord call me into full-time evangelism, “ Bolin said. “About the time God called me to evangelism, Terry felt the call to go with me,” he said. In November 2004, Evangelist Bobby Bolin trip to Africa came about through Greg Locke’s Ministries, who heard Bolin preach in Rocky Mount, Va., soon scheduled some speaking engagements for him. Locke also told Bolin he’s planned a mission trip to Africa and asked if he might like to go. “I couldn’t believe or imagine he’d want me to go,” Bolin said, “I couldn’t see how it would be possible. “Our different supporting churches raised funds for us it be able to go,” He said.

While in Nigeria. Bolin preached an average of three times a day in schools, churches, and in the open. One thing that concerned him, in addition to the great poverty, was the lack of Bibles among those he was preaching to.
“If you were preaching to a large congregation, only 5 to 10 people had Bibles, so he bought about 20 Bibles to give to the people. One man said, Sir, give me one, Bolin said with tears in his eyes at the memory. Bobby even gave away both of his Bibles.

Once back home, Bolin began sharing the story, with others. The first time he
told the story, he was given a check for to buy Bibles for Africa.
When he shared the story with Bread of life Church in Shelby, one member was so moved that he approached Pastor Jones about Bolin. He said to me, ‘Preacher, aren’t we goin
g to help him? Jones said.
Pastor Jones and his church have offered space in the sanctuary to stores the Bibles.  Seven thousands Bibles have been gathered and neatly packed in brown pasteboard boxes at the church.
On Saturday, Volunteers helped pack the Bibles and tape the boxes so they will be ready for shipping to Nigeria.

If you believe God is calling you to help send the Gospel to Africa. We invite you to get involved in this Bible Project to save soul in Africa for God