Spread The Word Bible College

Spread The Word Bible College is committed to excellence in educating and training preachers, missionaries, and Christian workers.

With the Lord's help, we will seek to do the following: 

* Encourage excellence in academic achievement
* Offer training which will produce disciplined lives and build Christian character

* Provide a Christ-centered atmosphere

* Providing Scriptural knowledge and practical training to better equip dedicated Christians  to serve God and minister to the spiritual needs of others.

 It is the purpose of Spread The Word to:

(1) Provide a systematic and practical Bible education for any believer.

(2) Areas of concentration include Theology, Biblical Studies, Pastoral Studies, Evangelism and Missions, Christian Education, Christian Ministries and Christian Counseling.

(3) Encourage and revitalize those currently in the ministry through exposure to God’s Word.

(4) Grant degrees of recognition for achievement in various levels of Bible education.

Philosophy of Education

It is the purpose of Spread the Word to contribute to the development of our students in the areas of Christian character, academic skills, subject mastery, Biblical understanding, and practical wisdom. We believe that Christian character and practical wisdom are best achieved through a cooperative effort with the local church, and to this end we offer a unique Bible Institute program. Academic skills and subject mastery are accomplished through clear explanation and responsive repetition, such as that found in our workbooks. 

All of our curriculum is written from a Biblical viewpoint. We firmly believe that conclusions about life and reality must be based on the Word of God above all other experience and research.

We believe study methods should be individualized: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  (II Timothy 2:15)

We believe the product of higher education should be a Christian servant, skilled in the Word of God, trained in an area of service, and able to effectively use his education to the glory of God.