Spread The Word Bible College

Who May Enroll?

Any person who has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his or her Savior may enroll as a student with Spread The Word. Regardless of one’s educational background he or she may become a student. Those who have not finished high school may enroll under the Bible College Division and receive a Bible education. Those who are high school graduates and who have not completed their college may enroll in the College Division and receive a degree. Those who have graduated from college may enroll in the Seminary program and earn an advanced degree.

The further requirements of The Spread The Word Bible College are very simple.

You must:

 1. Be saved

2. Abide by our Conduct Standards

3. Fill out the proper application

4. An honest testimony of salvation by grace through faith and baptism by immersion

5. Interview with the academic vice president. 


How to enroll?

Spread The Word has two easy ways to enroll.

Simply choose your course of study and go to our website at apply now and fill out the On-line Application form

and also fill out the printed registration form at the registrar’s office.



• On-Sit classes are held at convenient times allowing the student to hold a full-time job or ministry position while studying at Spread the Word.

• Studying at your own pace when you enroll in Distance-Learning studies. Each student establishes his/her own study schedule.

• Enroll anytime! Distance-Learning students can enroll and begin their course work at any time.

• On-Site lecturers are usually serving in some type of Christian ministry, thereby, bringing to the classroom practical experience and knowledge that is beneficial to the students.

• Personalized, friendly attention to each student. For the Distance-Learning student, a program of study is designed for each individual student.

• An ever improving curriculum that offers classes in Bible,


Biblical Studies,

Pastoral Studies,

Christian Education,

Christian Ministries,

Christian Counseling,

Evangelism and Missions.


Spiritual Objectives

Studies at Spread The Word should enable the student:

1. To show a profound gratitude for the sacrificial work of Christ on his/her behalf which will motivate him/her to lead a life of sincere and comprehensive obedience to the Word of God.

 2. To exhibit Christian maturity and virtues identified in Scripture as the “Fruit of the Spirit” so that he/she will be able to convey Christian truth both by precept and by personal example.

3. To maintain a well ordered devotional life and a personal program of spiritual enrichment and growth.
4. To demonstrate a concern for outreach and missions by actively seeking opportunities for Christian service.

5. To manifest a consistent Christian world and life view which shows submission to the present Lordship of Christ in every area of life.


1. To demonstrate a general knowledge of the content and meaning of the Bible.

2. To demonstrate a knowledge of the theological system contained in the Bible, with an awareness and appreciation for the history of doctrine and the issues raised by Systematic Theology.

3. To locate and use effective tools for ministry, including the tools of Bible Study.

4. To demonstrate a knowledge of world history, including the history of the Church.

5. To clearly communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others in writing, private conversation, and in public address.

6. To teach others the Bible and Christian Doctrine.

7. To express the Christian view of life.

8. To demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary for effective Christian ministry and service.

9. To have an awareness of and appreciation for the great classics of Christian literature.

10. To pursue a self-directed program of continuing education for ministry.


1. To develop moral and ethical standards so that his/her activities and interactions with other people will be to the glory of God.

2. To develop habits consistent with mature Christian character.

3. To live the Christian life as presented in Scripture and to apply Biblical principles in solving personal and social problems.

4. To promote justice and mercy in social ethics, government, social change, and contemporary public affairs.