Spread The Word Bible College

We believe you should be prepared. No matter what road you travel in life, college should equip you to succeed. Our approach to education is focused on giving you exactly what you need to become who and what you were made to become.


At Spread The Word Bible College, the preparation begins in the classroom, where all classes are taught from a biblical perspective. With that foundation, we are committed to the idea that each student was created with the ability to think. Really think. That means you should understand what you're being taught. You should ask questions. You should be engaged in discussions. Our goal is not so much to teach you facts and information, but to develop your mind in ways that equip you for whatever paths you choose in life.

When to Apply

You may apply to Spread The Word Bible College anytime during the junior or senior year of high school or thereafter. Spread The Word Bible College follows a “rolling admissions” policy, which means we accept qualified candidates as they apply until all available spaces are filled. It is, then, advisable to apply early even though there is no application deadline.

Each of the academic programs is designed to provide excellence in biblical education for effectiveness in ministry leadership. With a wide range of programs, STWBC offers students the opportunity to follow God's call in a variety of fields.

It's all here. All you need to get where you're going. From where you stand, the world awaits. We're committed and equipped to position you to impact that world in a unique and momentous way. Come see for yourself...we think you'll agree.

Special Admissions

Recognizing that not all students have educational backgrounds which fit the Application for Admission form, the College will consider on an individual basis applications for enrollment from students with nontraditional educational backgrounds.

In certain cases, a student who has not completed his secondary education may enroll and take individual courses. Such college credit would be validated upon completing work for a high school diploma or passing Tests of General Educational Development (GED).

School Information: