Spread The Word Bible College

"And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry."  I Timothy 1:12

God is working in this world. He still calls men and women to Himself, and He sends them forth to labor in His harvest field. At The Spread The Word Bible College, we understand that it is our great privilege and responsibility to train those whom the Lord has called into His wonderful work.

Opportunities through the School of Ministry:

  • Learn to walk with God and to find your place in His plan.
  • Establish a strong foundation in Bible knowledge and doctrine.
  • Receive training specific to your interest (Pastoral Ministry, Biblical Studies, Evangelism & Missions).
  • Acquire first-hand by participating in mission outreach in distributing tracts and Bibles and through internships in other churches.
  • Develop your ability to preach and teach the Word of God to others.
  • Become more effective in personal evangelism and be a faithful witness for Christ.
  • Glean wisdom from faculty members with many years of experience in the ministry.
  • Discover helpful resources that will benefit you in your service to Christ.
  • Establish lasting friendships with others likeminded in their desire to be used of God.
  • Obtain a greater passion and zeal for the Lord and His work.