Spread The Word Bible College

Accreditation: Spread The Word Bible College is fully Accredited by WORLD-WIDE ACCREDITATION COMMISSION OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. This accreditation is quality non-governmental Christian accreditation, that recognizes high standards of Biblical training.

Authorization: Spread The Word Bible College is authorized to grant religious degrees at the Diploma, Associate, Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral levels

Affiliation: Spread The Word Diploma and degree programs are affiliated and accredited. STW has sought to establish credibility in the international academic community. Accordingly, it has established close working  relationships in exchange of teaching faculty and various forms of academic consultancy.

Providing quality Biblical training has been the aim of Spread The Word Bible College throughout our history. God's standards are higher than any that men have set. Therefore, the greatest desire of Spread The Word administrators is to meet the approval of our Lord as we equip His people for His service.

STWBC is a ministry of the Spread The Word Ministries Int. Inc.