Spread The Word Bible College

No matter when you graduated from Spread The Word Bible College or how far your ministry takes you, you have a home here and friends who care about you. We hope you stay connected with us. Stop by for a visit. Say “hello” to your old professors, take part in a conference. We also invite you to spend time with our students. They enjoy talking with alumni and learning how they are living their calling.

As alumni, you can also connect with Spread The Word online in several ways. Tell us about your life, the people you’ve met, the lives you’ve changed by introducing them to God’s Word. We want to hear about your experiences as a servant leader for Christ – whether you’re close to home or on the other side of the world.

Get inspired to reach out to your Spread The Word family. Let’s continue to learn and grow from one another. We’re all on the same mission – to proclaim Christ wherever he calls us.