Spread The Word Bible College

Is God calling you to be apart of standing with those who are giving their lives in the service of Christ? If so we covet your prayers, welcome your contributions, and believe that together, through the gospel of Christ, we can change the world for Jesus' sake.

There are many opportunities to participate in a Missions Trip to Spread The Word. A Missions trip to Spread The Word will be a life changing experience. An opportunity to work side by side with the Student Churches and it's leadership. There are many opportunities for ministry that Spread needs from its friends


Generator Needed

Spread The Word is in desperate need of one generator for the college. This generator is extremely important, your cash donations will go toward the purchase of this urgently needed generator

If you have a generator or know of a generator that would be DONATED, Please let us know at

6KVA Automatic Generator $600 (N90,000)