Spread The Word Bible College

Master of Evangelism and Missions is specifically designed to prepare students who are serious about Great Commission who are committed to the tasks of church planting and church revitalization.

Are you passionate about spreading the gospel in its full biblical integrity to every person and every people. we combines biblical training and missionary strategy to train students to develop a vision for the lost and the tools they need to fulfill that vision.

Who is our Evangelism & Missions major designed for?

  • The person with a burden to reach others with the message of the Gospel,
  • Anyone desiring to increase their knowledge of the Bible,
  • Anyone desiring to communicate the Bible through written word, multimedia presentations, spoken word, person to person, or online,
  • Christian public school teachers and administrators.

What Will A Evangelism & Missions Graduate Be Equipped To Do?

  • Will know basic concepts, methods and the message of personal soul winning of adults and children,
  • Will know effective disciplemaking techniques,
  • Will know the Biblical basis of missions, and specific methodology of the church to aid missionaries and to advance the cause of Christ around the globe,
  • Practical guidelines for missionaries and mission organizations in raising necessary support to fulfill their calling,
  • Biblical principles and common sense approach to the basic preparation for missionary service.
Students must complete the minimum number of courses indicated in each category. Each Master degree program requires ten courses (30 credits), plus a Thesis (6 credits) for a total of 36 credits. (All graduate courses offer three credits.) Pre-requisite: Bachelor of Arts degree

Master of Evangelism and Missions - 2 Year Degree

Old Testament (OT 501 REQUIRED) ......................................................... 2 courses
New Testament .....................................................................................  2 courses
Theology (TH 511 REQUIRED) ................................................................. 2 courses
Evangelism and Missions.......................................................................... 2 courses
Electives ............................................................................................... 2 courses


Masters Thesis
Minimum of 75 typewritten pages; a popular writing style is permitted for the thesis.