Spread The Word Bible College

Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.): When a student who has completed at least one course through STWBC accumulates 128 credits (48 of which must be in subjects approved by STWBC), including transfer and life experience credit, they will be eligible to receive the Bachelor of Theology Degree.

Courses must be ordered from the current “order form”. All undergraduate courses offer two credits. Unless instructed otherwise, students may choose their own course sequence.

Bachelor level: 15,000 words - Minimum 15 reference works.

Pre-requisite: High School Diploma or GED

Master of Theology (Th.M.): When a student who has completed at least 12 credits through accumulates 64 credits (20 of which must be in subjects approved by STWBC), including transfer and life experience credit, they will be eligible to receive the Master of   Theology Degree.


Masters Thesis

Minimum of 75 typewritten pages; a popular writing style is permitted for the thesis.

Master level: 25,000 words - Minimum 20 reference works.

(All graduate courses offer three credits.)

Pre-requisite: Bachelor Degree

Doctor of Theology (Th.D.): When a student completes 40 credits beyond the Master's level through STWBC and completes a 50,000 words - Minimum 25 reference works for dissertation they will be eligible to receive the Doctor of Theology Degree.

Thesis information can be found HERE.